I turned 40 today.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve taken the time to reflect over my 40 years so far and here are a few of the principles that I’ve learned along the way.

Some are ideas that I’ve read, some are concepts that I’ve heard, some are my observations about life and some are just random musings.

I don’t claim to get them right all of the time, but when I do, life seems to works better for me.

  1. If you can’t do what you love, love what you do!
  2. Control the controllables – attitude, behaviour and consistency.  No-one else should be able to take away how you think, how you act and how often you do it!
  3. If I’m not growing, I’m probably shrinking
  4. Prior prayerful preparation prevents poor performance
  5. Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it
  6. I’ve made mistakes and I’ve had successes, the experiences that I play over and over in my head are the ones that I’m more likely to repeat
  7. It’s almost impossible to be positive 100% of the time, but at least aim for 95%
  8. If you’re not the greatest influence on your kids, you’re not doing your job as a parent
  9. Life isn’t always fair.  Get used to it and keep trying your best
  10. I’m at my best as a dad when I’m at my best as a husband
  11. Recruit for attitude, train for skill
  12. The only thing more dangerous than someone who knows nothing about a subject is someone who knows a little bit
  13. You don’t do the right thing because you feel like it, but because it’s the right thing
  14. I can do things you cannot do, you can do things I cannot do.  Together we can do great things (Mother Teresa)
  15. Look out the window to give praise when things go right and in the mirror to take responsibility when things go wrong, not the other way around
  16. You will work for approximately 100,000 hours during your career.  Don’t waste it on the trivial or the unfulfilling
  17. Sometimes the glory isn’t in the result, but in the journey
  18. No amount of success can compensate for failure in the home, no-one ever said from their death-bed that they wished they had spent more time in the office
  19. Supporting Manchester United and the Boston Celtics is gratifying, supporting the Richmond Tigers is character building!
  20. Career success is less about a fancy resume and application letter and more about a track record of great work and establishing an effective network
  21. A well-set goal is half-way to being achieved
  22. In leadership, character is more important than charisma
  23. The difference between who you are now and who you are in two years time is largely determined by the books you read and the people you hang out with
  24. If you’re not delivering your message with passion and enthusiasm, don’t expect people to listen or respond
  25. If you’re at the top alone, you’re not a leader, you’re a hiker (John C. Maxwell)
  26. There’s a difference between 10 years of experience and 1 year of experience repeated 10 times
  27. I don’t have all of the answers.  And that’s OK
  28. Live life with enthusiasm, if only because it beats the alternative
  29. My biggest hurdle to success is my own mindset
  30. God’s given me two ears and one mouth.  I need to use them in that ratio more often
  31. Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die
  32. You can’t learn too much, but you can learn too little.  If in doubt, err on the side of the former
  33. Life’s too short not to celebrate your successes along the way, preferably with a slice of caramel mud cake that’s been microwaved for 10 seconds. Divine!
  34. The question isn’t, “Can I make difference?” but, “Am I making a difference?”
  35. The more I operate in my areas of strength, the more effective I am
  36. The Bible is still the best personal development book that’s ever been written
  37. The most important part of my day is the time spent with God every morning before the rest of the house gets moving
  38. In all your ways acknowledge Him (God) and He will direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:6)
  39. On the cross, Jesus got what I deserve so that I can get what He deserves
  40. The best is yet to come!

Is there a favourite lesson that you have from this list?

What should I be adding to my list now that I’m in my 41st year?

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