We rarely get to choose the moments that define us.

We can’t put them in our diary for next Wednesday afternoon.

They come when we least expect them.

When we miss out on that promotion.

When our teenage kids are playing up.

When a crisis has happened within the team that we are leading.

When everyone else is veering in a certain direction that you know is wrong.

These moments don’t happen when the sun is shining and the angels are singing.

They happen during financial struggles, strained relationships and global pandemics.

Medals for bravery aren’t given during peacetime, but from acts of valour in the midst of battle.

We rarely get to choose the moments that define us.

But we do get to choose our response.

These moments can forge (or in some cases, merely reveal), our character.

They can display our resilience and persistence.

They can truly define our level of optimism.

And they certainly show others what our real values are.

How will you be defined during such challenging moments?