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If you’re looking for a different outcome, it will require a different action from those you have taken before.

If you’re looking to stand out from the crowd, it will require you to be different from the people around you.

Of course, being different isn’t always quite that easy.

It requires courage.

And imagination.

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I often think of people and wonder how they are going.

They may be work colleagues, old friends or family members.  Their name drops into my mind and I hope that they are doing OK.

But too often, it begins and ends with just a passing thought.  I never actually get in touch to see how they are.

On the occasions when I have reached out, I have never regretted it.

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Wherever we go now, we are surrounded by hand sanitizer.

I have a bottle on my desk at work and use it several times a day.

There is a dispenser when I enter my building and outside the lifts.

Every visit to the supermarket requires a liberal dose before going in.

It’s everywhere and so is the smell.

Whenever I place my hands close to my face, I get a whiff of the odour and it’s a smell that after this pandemic is over, we will all remember.

Our sense of smell is closely connected to our memories, which means that for many of us, future sniffs of hand sanitizer will bring back recollections of this time.

My question today is, what will it remind us of?

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To amend a document, you need editing privileges.

It gives you the power and freedom to make changes, improvements, updates.

You may look at your own life and think that you could do with some changes.

There may be aspects that you’re not completely happy with.

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According to Ecclesiastes 4:9-10,

Two are better than one,

because they have a good return for their labour:

If either of them falls down,

one can help the other up.

But pity anyone who falls

and has no one to help them up.

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A fomite is an increasingly used word that describes an object that is able to carry a pathogen and then pass it on.

It comes from a Latin word that means, “kindling wood.”

Please don’t get me wrong, if you think you are carrying an illness (especially that illness), please stay isolated and keep it to yourself.

But you can be a carrier of enthusiasm.

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We can’t do this by ourselves.

We can’t climb the mountain as individuals.

We can’t reach our full potential alone.

But if we bring out the best in each other, who knows what heights we’ll reach?

But what does this look like?

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In a world that glorifies bigger as being better, we often see the impact that others have and compare it with our own.

And to our chagrin, we think that the influence we are having is negligible, or worse.

Today, I want to encourage you not to underestimate your impact.

You may not get to see a massive outcome, but every time you encourage someone, it matters.

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You’re good enough.

They may not know it yet.

You may not have been acknowledged at this stage.

Perhaps you weren’t chosen, with others selected in your place.

You may not even believe that it’s true.

But I want to reassure you that you’re good enough.

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According to Proverbs 11:25,

“Those who refresh others, will be refreshed.”

I suspect that in this current climate, there are a lot of people who feel in need of refreshment.

If that’s you, let me encourage you to find a way to refresh others.

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