You are currently browsing the monthly archive for December 2015.

Thanks-for-your-supportWell, here we are again, at the end of another year.

2015 was the biggest year yet for this humble little blog.  Traffic increased by about 33% and I finally reached the million views milestone in September.

Thanks everyone for your support this year, I really appreciate all of you and trust that 2016 will be your best year yet.

I now have written over 1,500 posts on this blog and here are the 10 posts that have generated the most traffic in 2015: Read the rest of this entry »

Do-you-want-to-create-aThe Trevi Fountain is one of the most remarkable landmarks of the great city of Rome.

Every day, thousands of tourists throw coins over their left shoulder into this icon.

After winning the commission to build the fountain, Nicola Salvi started working on his masterpiece in 1732.  He laboured away for 19 years before dying in 1751, leaving the project unfinished.  A team of designers took over and the Trevi Fountain that we see today was finally completed in 1762.

Do you want to create a masterpiece?

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Psalm 84v6Psalm 84:6 says, “As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a place of springs.”

I love the imagery here of someone who is walking through a dry and arid area, creating places where water can be found.

I suspect that we can all participate in this process.

We can all bring laughter and joy when everyone else looks glum and overwhelmed.

We can all bring encouragement when others have given up on their dreams.

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I-could-have-listened-toWhen I was at school, I failed English.

Now, I make a full-time living from writing and have a blog that has received well over a million views.

During my corporate life, I was told on numerous occasions that I wouldn’t get to a certain level of management.

After multiple attempts, I finally got there and built a team that delivered outstanding results.

When I told people that I was quitting my job to start a full-time resume writing, coaching and speaking business, they looked at me as if I was crazy.

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Joyful-and-triumphant-IOne of my favourite Christmas carols starts with the words,

“O come all ye faithful,

Joyful and triumphant.”

It’s a wonderful theme, but why is it that so many followers of Jesus spend their lives looking miserable and defeated?

They look like a bulldog that swallowed a wasp and observe the world with a mix of suspicion and anxiety.

But the message of Christmas is meant to be good news.

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You-can-see-yourOn my regular walk a couple of weeks ago, I noticed a bird with an injured wing.

It was sticking out at an awkward angle and was obviously uncomfortable as I walked past.

For a moment, I felt sorry for it, until I got a bit closer, when it took a few hops and took off into the air.

It didn’t fly smoothly, but it flew.

There were a few feathers missing, but it flew.

How wonderful!

In a moment, I moved from sympathy to inspiration, because this remarkable bird didn’t use its impairment as an excuse to stay grounded.

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I-believe-that-you-canSome people hear a lot of:

“You can’t!”

“You can’t!” 

“You can’t!”

“You can’t!” 

“You can’t!”

“You can’t!”

Yet they only need one, “You can!” to keep going, even if that voice comes from within.

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What-would-be-sadder-ToWuthering Heights is ranked as one of the greatest works of English literature of all time.

It was published only a year before the death of author Emily Bronte in 1848, who went to the grave at the age of 30.  At the time, the book hadn’t broken through and she would have thought that she was a failure.

Of course, she wasn’t.

Her worked lived on.

Her expertise shone.

And even though it’s over 150 years old, her work is still read, loved and debated.

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tis-the-season-to-be-jolly‘Tis the season to be…

Complaining about how busy you are?

Miserable about how terrible the world is?

Angry that you can’t find a parking spot?

Over-eating and over-spending so much that you regret it in the new year?

Frustrated by your family?

Tired and rundown?

Or jolly? Read the rest of this entry »

Merry Christmas from Logan, Hayden and Madison

Merry Christmas from Logan, Hayden and Madison

I love the Christmas season and always enjoy receiving cards and letters at this time of the year with updates from friends and family regarding the year that’s just passed.  Of course, I’m too lazy and disorganised to send out letters to lots of people and I would probably forget someone important, so you get my family update through my blog.

2015 has been another very busy year in our household, with the kids growing quickly and lots of change, so here’s our own annual family update. Read the rest of this entry »

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