You are currently browsing the monthly archive for January 2011.

There are lots of reasons not to eat right and exercise.

There are lots of reasons not to read or improve my intellect in any way.

There are lots of reasons not to do anything about those in need, both in this country and abroad.

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This great story from Paulo Coelho comes from his book Like a Flowing River.

A father was trying to read the newspaper, but his little son kept pestering him.

Finally, the father grew tired of this and, tearing a page from the newspaper – one that bore a map of the world – he cut it into many pieces and handed them to his son.

‘Right, now you’ve got something to do. I’ve given you a map of the world and I want to see if you can put it back together correctly.’

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Photo by Thomas Hawk via Flickr

Snakes are one of the most maligned creatures going around.

From the giant anaconda of the Amazon, to the rattlesnakes of the Americas, the cobras of Asia and Africa and the taipan of Australia, there are many well-known species and they have managed to inhabit almost the entire planet.

Since the Garden of Eden, they’ve been feared, but there are a few principles that we can learn from these unique creatures.

What can we learn from snakes?

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English: Golf driving practice range with 43 l...

Image via Wikipedia

If you play golf, it’s always a good idea to get to the course nice and early and hit a bucket of balls to get the cobwebs out.

Professional golfers do it, and if it’s good enough for them, then it’s good enough for me.

The reason we do this is to get the body into rhythm for the round ahead and to see if you need to make any adjustments to your swing or grip before you tee off on the first hole.

If you don’t do it, you risk embarrassing yourself in front of the clubhouse with your first drive, setting yourself up for a disastrous day.

This principle is important in other areas of life as well.

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Photo by Thomas Hawk via Flickr

I was driving through our neighbourhood the other day and noticed some fantastic gardens.

The lawns were immaculate, the trees well pruned, the flowers in full bloom and there was hardly a weed in sight. 

I was impressed and immediately found myself wishing that I had a garden like that.

Of course, if I went to the owners and asked them how they got their garden in that condition, they would tell me that they had a plan, they took action, they made a few mistakes along the way that taught them some important lessons about gardening and they genuinely enjoy the process of creating a garden that they could feel proud of.

Then I thought about other aspects of life.

There are a lot of people who look at other’s careers and say, “I wish that I had a career like that.”

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I’ve been considering those people who seem to wield considerable influence beyond their capability or level of talent.

You know who they are, they’re fire-lighters, not fire-fighters.

They’re people who naturally increase the passion and enthusiasm of those around them.

Frankly, they’re gold in any organisation and the good news is that you can join their ranks.

To assist you in your self-awareness regarding your influence, I’ve got five simple questions:

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I have really enjoyed posted some great stories on this blog, but until now, all of them have been written by others.

This is my first attempt at posting an original story, I hope that you like it.

There were three storks who were born in the same nest and the same circumstances.

When it was time for them to leave the nest, they had to start to find their own food.

The first stork didn’t think that he would be able to catch the frogs and small fish that he needed to survive so he stomped around the edge of the lake in a foul mood. 

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Many people have bold aspirations and dreams, but they end up settling for good instead of great. 

Unfortunately, good gives us a false sense of security.  We feel OK because whilst we may not have reached our potential, at least we’re not bad. 

We can do good work on auto-pilot, but great work takes initiative, creativity, passion and courage.  That sounds like a lot of effort when there’s no burning need to change. 

That’s why good is the enemy of great.  It’s because it lulls us, deadens us and seduces us into thinking that we don’t really need to try.  You’re not that bad, so why bother?

Too many times, we think that so long as we aren’t the worst, so long as we’re competent, if the person in the next cubicle isn’t performing as well as we are, then that’s good enough.

It’s not anymore.

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So far in this section, I have highlighted numerous high profile people, from Mother Teresa to Larry Bird to Abraham Lincoln amongst others. 

In the society that we live in, so often we become enamoured with famous people, leading to athletes, movie stars and musicians making millions and becoming role models for many of us.

Today I would like to highlight some of the other inspirational people in our world who perhaps don’t get the money, press or plaudits but who make significant contributions to our society with their sacrifice and tireless efforts.

I would like to place the focus on our teachers and nurses, our police officers and ambulance drivers, our social workers and community volunteers, our fire fighters and the men and women of our defence forces.

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We are currently in the process of toilet training our twins.

It’s not fun!

Even as I type these words, I have a mop and bucket ready for the next accident.

Earlier today, Madison didn’t quite make it to the potty.  She was on her way, but the bladder won the race.

Her response?

“Oh well, good try.”

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