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Today, I turned 50.

It’s a big milestone and one that I welcome.

Whilst my knees don’t enjoy getting older, the rest of me doesn’t seem to mind and I’m enjoying this new season of life.

I know that the world is in turmoil at the moment, but if we look hard enough, there is lots to celebrate and to be thankful for.

So, in no particular order, here are 50 reasons that I have to celebrate:

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Alas, over the past 24 hours, I have had some issues with my domain hosting (my daft fault, not theirs), which has meant that many readers are unable to access this blog at the moment.

Of course, if you can read this, you’re probably not experiencing this issue and are wondering why I’m writing this message.

And if you’re experiencing this issue, you won’t won’t be able to read the message and are still wondering what is happening.

I’m aware of the strange irony, so I just wanted to say that I hope everything is back up and running properly soon for everyone.

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As I write this post, my legs are aching and I’m feeling very tired.

But there’s a story behind the pain.

It started with a family conversation about running, Ekidens (a form of Japanese long distance relays) and a local event that matched our aspirations.

My brave and enthusiastic nephew, Lachlan, registered us, we came up with a suitable, Lord of the Rings inspired team name (Very Dangerous Over Short Distances) and then we were committed.

Yesterday, seven of us, Logan, Danny, Lachlan, Ebony, Madison, Macrae and myself, completed the O’Keefe Challenge Ekiden Relay event, a 42.2km relay that tested our physical capabilities, but was incredibly fun.

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Today is Good Friday.

It’s a day of great significance for Christians around the world.

It was a very busy day for me.

We had Church in the morning, I had to pick Hayden up from his work in the early afternoon and then he was boundary umpire for a local footy match this evening.

The youth were running our Church service, so Madison was asked to be on the welcome team, helping to greet people at the door.

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Well, here we are again, at the end of another year and what a year it has been!

2020 has been a challenging year for this humble little blog and it’s closing in on 3 million views since starting in 2010.

Thanks everyone for your support this year, I really appreciate all of you and trust that 2021 will be a much better year for you and your loved ones.

I now have written over 2,800 posts on this blog since I launched and here are the 10 posts that have generated the most traffic in 2020: Read the rest of this entry »

One of my annual goals is to read 25 books per year and despite all of the challenges of 2020, once again I have been able to hit this target.

Some books are for self-education, some purely for entertainment, but they have all made a positive contribution to maintaining a healthy attitude and expanding my mind.

So, here are my top 10 favourites from 2020: Read the rest of this entry »

American writer, Hamilton Mabie once wrote,

Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.

What a wonderful description of the Christmas season.

A conspiracy of love.

Where God so loves the world that He sent his only Son, so that we can be reconciled to the Father.

Not to condemn the world, but to save it.

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Logan, Hayden and Madison

It’s that time of year again when we send and receive Christmas cards and letters with updates from friends and family, so in that spirit here is the annual message from our tribe.

Obviously, it’s been an odd year, but we’ve made it through and still have a smile on our faces.  It was our first full year in Bendigo and moved into our new house in April this year.  We had a block of land to build on, but needed to sell it when my work situation changed, but it has worked out well and we now have a lovely place on the edge of the bush.

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I started a new role today.

It’s an opportunity to build new relationships.

A chance to make a contribution in a different context.

And a chance to roll out some old messages to some new ears.

You can be sure that they’ll hear about being a thermostat, not a thermometer, as we discuss the importance of attitude.

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I like Easter eggs as much as the next guy.

Any excuse to eat chocolate is good enough for me.

But Easter is about more than just eggs and chocolate and people dressed up in rabbit costumes.

It’s about Jesus.

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