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Sometimes, life is hard… Be grateful anyway.

Sometimes, your kids drive you nuts… Be grateful anyway.

Sometimes, you feel as though God has stopped listening to your prayers… Be grateful anyway.

Sometimes, it looks as though there is no way out of this mess… Be grateful anyway.

Sometimes, you feel unappreciated and that your skills are under-utilised… Be grateful anyway.

Sometimes, it feels as though there are more curses than blessings in your life… Be grateful anyway.

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I love Christmas!

It’s a wonderful time of year and as I reflect on the year that’s just about to end, there are lots of things that I’m extremely grateful for.

I am also very aware that Christmas isn’t always a joyous event for everyone, but I hope that by remembering the aspects of life that we’re grateful for, we can change our perspective and make it a happier and more rewarding time.

To get us started, here are 10 things that I’m grateful for this Christmas: Read the rest of this entry »

The Turkey Is Done

Image via Wikipedia

This week, my American friends celebrated Thanksgiving.

This is a great tradition that reminds us of all that we have to be grateful for.

I’m also conscious that it can be difficult to maintain a grateful attitude sometimes, as there are so many challenges facing us that we are so focused on our problems that we don’t get a chance to reflect on the positives as well.

I recently came across this poem from an anonymous author, that I think helps us when we find ourselves in these situations.

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When you’re feeling overwhelmed by life…

Find three things to be grateful for.

When your circumstances have changed for the worst…

Find three things to be grateful for.

When you think you’ve hit rock bottom…

Find three things to be grateful for.

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Logan, Hayden and Madison. Photo taken by my cousin Nada from Loresh Photography

As many of you would already be aware, I have three great kids.  Hayden almost seven and Madison and Logan are now four.

They are growing up very quickly, but the temptation sometimes as a parent is to wish that they were older and more independent or pine for the days when they were cute little babies.

It’s hard work being a parent and the sleep deprivation, lack of peace and quiet, tantrums and petty arguments that we are experiencing at the moment can cause me to not appreciate my kids as much as I should.

As such, this list is as much more about me developing a proper perspective of gratitude than anything else.  If you’re in a similar situation, I hope that you find this list helpful.

So here are the 10 reasons why I appreciate my beautiful kids just as they are: Read the rest of this entry »

There are times in life when things seem to get on top of us.  When chaos reigns and circumstances seem to conspire against us.

During these stages in life, it can be very easy to fall into a victim mentality, to think that there’s nothing that you can do and that you’re destined to be unhappy.

Here are a few tips that I’ve used to halt that mindset and become optimistic and resourceful again:

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The challenge of maintaining a resourceful and positive mindset can be challenging at times.

Whether it’s an incidental annoyance like peak-hour traffic or breaking a fingernail or if life is generally getting you down and you have a few problems piling up, it’s easy for us to fall into the habit of complaining about our circumstances.

We now have complaints departments in most large organisations and you only have to read the letters to the editor in your local newspaper or read a few on-line rants to realise that we now have a well-established culture of complaining in our midst.

I always like to put things in perspective, so before you launch into another list of complaints that you may have, consider the following and then ask yourself, “What am I complaining about?” Read the rest of this entry »

When people think of inspirational leaders, they often refer to the great orators like Winston Churchill or Barack Obama.  These are leaders who are able to deliver a clear, clarion message that can impact the emotions of listeners and leave them feeling more inspired than before.

Thankfully, being an inspirational leader is not solely reliant upon standing up in front of a group of people and there are a few things that we can all work on that can assist us in getting more discretionary effort from our people.

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Photo courtesy of Flickr


Today is a day of double celebration for me.  It’s my birthday and this is my 100th post on the Better Life Coaching Blog.    

Whilst I am conscious that age is catching up with me, getting to 100 posts has happened much quicker than I would have thought.     

A few times my wife Karen, has asked if I think that I’ll run out of ideas for posts.  Whilst that’s certainly possible in the future, I’m rapt that for the time being, the ideas are still flowing.    

The challenge ahead is to keep reading, keep learning, keep thinking and keep writing.    

I would like to thank the following people for their part in this journey so far:    

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Silly question Darren.  Everyone does.

But be careful what you wish for.  There’s a saying that the only thing worse than not getting what you want, is getting what you want.

Research from America indicates that 70% of all lottery winners will squander their winnings in a few years.  In that time family and friendships will be destroyed and financial security will be a fantasy again.

Even more alarming is research that suggests that lottery winners take less pleasure in daily activities than quadriplegics!

Why is this the case and what can you do about it?

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